Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Bedroom 3...

WHO THOUGHT is made up from 2 separate vintage signs pieced together.

The lager letter's ( WHO ) came from a HUGE pile of letters that where sold individually and at the point of purchasing was displayed as HOW and THOUGHT is in one piece.

I spent a good few hours cleaning them up and moving them around the house to see where they would be best suited.

I moved the W into my dressingroom 1st to see if it would fit onto the shelf!  

Then it HIT ME!!! rearrange HOW into WHO + add THOUGHT = GENIUS!!!

I needed a sit down after that! when your the mental age of 8 year old something can be a little DIFFICULT!!!

Darth Vader Lego alarm clock.

More glass jars as i used my other glass jars in the en-suite, I'm still looking out for something to fill them.